We humans have approximately 86 billion neurons in our brains, woven together by an estimated 100 trillion connections, or synapses. It’s a daunting task to understand the details of how those cells work, let alone how they come together to make up our sensory systems, our behavior, our consciousness.Sure?EditSure?Edit1 - The Imagination
Imagination is a powerful brain-booster because it makes you think in the way which is not standard for people. Imagination can help you to find solutions that can be considered unexpected by your brain, but your imagination can create scenarios that solve problems in the most effective way.
Three ways visualization benefits brain health
When we talk about imagination, we often think of the fantasies we had when we were young, dreaming of spaceships or castle. But imagination is more than dreaming of the fantastical and isn’t something we should grow out of.
Albert Einstein once said
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”.
It’s imperative to planning and problem-solving. Much more than the foundation in any creative endeavor, being able to use our imagination gives us the ability to generate new ideas or launch off of existing realities to create something new.
We humans have approximately 86 billion neurons in our brains, woven together by an estimated 100 trillion connections, or synapses. It’s a daunting task to understand the details of how those cells work, let alone how they come together to make up our sensory systems, our behavior, our consciousness.Sure?EditSure?Edit1 - The Imagination
Imagination is a powerful brain-booster because it makes you think in the way which is not standard for people. Imagination can help you to find solutions that can be considered unexpected by your brain, but your imagination can create scenarios that solve problems in the most effective way.
Three ways visualization benefits brain health
When we talk about imagination, we often think of the fantasies we had when we were young, dreaming of spaceships or castle. But imagination is more than dreaming of the fantastical and isn’t something we should grow out of.
Albert Einstein once said
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”.
It’s imperative to planning and problem-solving. Much more than the foundation in any creative endeavor, being able to use our imagination gives us the ability to generate new ideas or launch off of existing realities to create something new.
1 - The Imagination
Imagination is a powerful brain-booster because it makes you think in the way which is not standard for people. Imagination can help you to find solutions that can be considered unexpected by your brain, but your imagination can create scenarios that solve problems in the most effective way.
Three ways visualization benefits brain health
When we talk about imagination, we often think of the fantasies we had when we were young, dreaming of spaceships or castle. But imagination is more than dreaming of the fantastical and isn’t something we should grow out of.
Albert Einstein once said
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”.
It’s imperative to planning and problem-solving. Much more than the foundation in any creative endeavor, being able to use our imagination gives us the ability to generate new ideas or launch off of existing realities to create something new.
Studies are proving that
imagination generates new synaptic growth, which improves the brain’s neuroplasticity. This ability for the adult brain to increase synapses has profound potential in maintaining and even increasing, the brain’s cognitive power.
Enhanced learning ability
Imagination plays a key role in developing the learning processes. When a person uses their imagination, it increases their ability to learn new things because the more clearly we can visualize what we learn
Recovery from brain injury
We know the brain has the potential to recover from injury and even offset certain function loss. But more studies are starting to show that using imagination can help speed these recovery processes even more.
Augmented adaptability
Strategic imagination is the ability to play our scenarios in our minds before they become reality. This type of imagining can help create new synapses and facilitate strengthening the synapses we have. And this skill can help prepare us for difficult times, reducing our overall stress.
Now: who we increase the Imagination?
Tips To Increase Imagination And Creativity
Creativity and imagination are important skills for business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone trying to succeed in the modern economy.A recent study found that people who took time out of their day to meditate showed a 10% increase in creativity and imagination over people who didn’t.Meditation is a great skill to develop for this reason. It also has a bunch of other benefits like helping you deal with stress, boosting your energy level, and improving your ability to focus on one task.However, it is hard to develop these skills if you do not have a healthy imagination or creativity. For this reason, I’ve found meditation to be a great way to increase my imagination and creativity in a non-intrusive manner.
Reading can boost your imagination.Reading helps you to connect different ideas, make novel associations between what you are reading and what you already know, and create links between different pieces of information. All of these functions are critical for the development of creativity.The more you read, the more creative you become. Reading can help us develop our abilities as problem solvers.
Reading also increases empathy and perspective-taking. Being able to take someone else’s perspective is a fundamental skill that we use every day in our personal and professional lives.I’ll give you two ways that reading can make you more imaginative and creative.First, reading exposes you to new ideas. When you read, you’re exposing yourself to the ideas of other people.
By doing this, your mind will be stimulated. This stimulates your brain to generate new ideas of its own.
Second, reading makes your vocabulary more expansive. The more words you know, the more clearly and precisely you can express yourself.This gives you better verbal skills and helps with your ability to explain complex ideas in a way that everyone can understand.
Listening to music
Music is a source of enjoyment for everyone. Listening to music can automatically change one’s mood and it can also have a positive impact on the quality of work.Listening to music before writing an essay or doing an assignment greatly increases one’s imagination and creativity. There are several reasons why listening to music before studying or doing an assignment helps you enhance your creativity. One of the main reasons is because music evokes emotions, which indirectly triggers the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that boosts creativity and learning.
Traveling is no longer the privilege of the rich. With technological advancement, even students can afford to travel now. Here are some benefits of traveling:
Broaden your horizon and learn about other cultures.
You will be able to develop good social skills.
You will be able to develop a better perspective on life.
You will meet new people and make friends.
Learn how to manage your time better.
Get an opportunity to try different food.
When you’re not tied down to a desk or a classroom, your mind is free to wander. Your imagination runs wild. The world becomes a playground.
Traveling around the world can have a positive impact on an artist’s creative thinking.
2 - Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is a mental state in which you focus on your present situation, maintaining awareness of your surroundings and feelings. Mindfulness is used in meditation, but the two aren’t one and the same. Meditation is a more formal practice, whereas mindfulness is a mental habit you can use in any situation.
Studies have shown that mindfulness is effective at lowering stress and improving concentration and memory. One study of 293 psychology students showed that those who underwent mindfulness training had improved recognition-memory performance when recalling objects compared with students who did not receive mindfulness training. Mindfulness has also been linked with a lower risk of age-related cognitive decline and an overall improvement in psychological well-being Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine by paying more attention to your present situation, concentrating on your breathing, and gently resetting your attention when your mind wanders. Summary Practicing mindfulness techniques has been
associated with increased memory performance. Mindfulness is also linked to reduced age-related cognitive decline.
3 - Get enough sleep
Lack of proper sleep has been associated with poor memory for quite some time. Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation, a process in which short-term memories are strengthened and transformed into long-lasting memories. Research shows that if you’re sleep deprived, you could be negatively impacting your memory.
For example, one study looked at the effects of sleep in 40 children between ages 10 and 14 years. One group of children was trained for memory tests in the evening, then tested the following morning after a night’s sleep. The other group was trained and tested on the same day, with no sleep between training and testing.
The group that slept between training and testing performed 20% better on the memory tests, Another study found that nurses working the night shift made more mathematical errors and that 68% of them scored lower on memory tests compared with nurses working the day shift, Health experts recommend adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night for optimal health.
Summary Studies have consistently associated
sufficient sleep with better memory performance. Sleep helps consolidate, memories. You’re also likely to perform better on memory tests if you’re well rested than if you’re sleep deprived.
4 - The Sketching
How Sketching Helps Grow Your Creative Mind
The release of our brand new spiral notebooks and hardcover journals got me thinking about how integral sketching and writing is to the life of creative folks. Both our notebooks come with blank, lined, or graph pages, so they can suit pretty much any creative need from doodling, to note-taking, and beyond. Think of all the artists you know (yourself included) and it’d be hard to imagine them without owning at least a couple of books in which to sketch or jot down ideas.
Sketching helps your creative mind function
Sketching, doodling, or drawing has been shown to improve the ability for your brain to function and improve concentration. A study done in 2009 set out to find if drawing makes our attention span better or worse when trying to complete a basic task. Interestingly, after the tests were completed and results collated, the study’s lead, Professor Andrade, found that doodling and drawing aids concentration by reducing an individual’s capacity to go off on various thought tangents. If you were a participant in this study, and were completing a task while doodling, you would have retained about 29% more information than those that simply executed the basic task at hand. This kind of research blows my mind, and indicates that drawing allows our minds to concentrate and get extra-mileage out of completing tasks or retaining information. The next time you feel like doodling in a work meeting, go for it, your brain is probably going to be better off because of it.
Doodling forces you to be present
Drawing helps your brain to be more “in the moment.” Drawing and doodling can act as another form of mindfulness meditation, and helps make completing one task easier. It can also help to let your mind work through things subconsciously, so you can tackle bigger-picture creative problem solving. I like to think of this as a kind of brain power-nap in the form of drawing so you can take the pressure off simmering questions that need time to be worked out.I think lots of artists use this technique, especially in the planning stages of a creative project when they might not be able to visualize their finished artwork.
Drawing expands your memory and your mind
This piece of research shocked my socks off. Drawing exercises the “right side” of your brain which not only increases concentration and mindfulness, but has been shown to also exercise your brain’s learning synapses which can literally grow your brain.Basically, by drawing, you are engaging in an activity that adds synapses to your neurotransmitters which strengthens the memories stored in your brain and thus, literally stretches your brain’s capacity. Drawing and doodling fires up the same area in your brain as when you’re learning a new skill or forming a new memory, and expands your mind in that way. It’s so wickedly cool that something as accessible as drawing or doodling can improve your cognitive function so greatly.
Most of us spend a huge portion of our daily lives using the “left,” analytical side of our brain to solve problems, but by doodling, you’re reaching in and exploring the “right side” from the simple marks you make on your page. And that is truly exciting.
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